Through the destruction of natural habitat and ecosystems, humankind is causing an increasing number of species to become endangered, on the verge of extinction.

Destruction of habitats, hunting, pollution,

Changes in natural living conditions or diseases are just some of the issues causing the disappearance of animal species from the planet, which has dramatically risen over time. According to a WWF study, Earth has lost 58% of its animals in the last 40 years and almost all of that destruction has been caused by humankind, or should it be human cruel?

We must protect our most threatened and endangered species worldwide - koalas, tigers, whales, and rhinos are just the tip of the melting iceberg.

We want and need them all to be on earth among us, for generations to come so keep our ecosystems healthy.

As John Dingell said,

“living wild species are like a library of books still unread. Our heedless destruction of them is akin to burning that library without ever having read its books”.

Do you want to help future generations to use this library, or will they only see pictures?

Source: WWF

We want and need them all to be on earth among us, for generations to come so keep our ecosystems healthy.

As John Dingell said,

“living wild species are like a library of books still unread. Our heedless destruction of them is akin to burning that library without ever having read its books”.

Do you want to help future generations to use this library, or will they only see pictures?

Source: WWF