The oceans may contain more plastic than fish by weight in 2050.

Help us to remove plastic from the environment.

Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles in the Earth’s environment.

About 380 million tons of plastic are produced worldwide each year. From the 1950s up to 2018, an estimated 6.3 billion tons of plastic have been produced worldwide, of which an estimated 9% has been recycled.

On average, a plastic shopping bag is used for just 12 minutes, and we all use 5 trillion plastic bags… per year!
That’s 160,000 a second!
Did you know that this year alone every single Person on the planet is going to use about 700 plastic bags?
You may think that it is only unsightly garbage, but that plastic is also being eaten by fish and other animals, it is in our food and that micro-plastic can cause humans many health problems, including cancer.

It takes up to


for a plastic bag to break down.

On average, a plastic shopping bag is used for just 12 minutes, and we all use 5 trillion plastic bags… per year!
That’s 160,000 a second!
Did you know that this year alone every single person on the Planet is going to use about 700 plastic bags?
You may think that it is only unsightly garbage, but that plastic is also being eaten by fish and other animals, it is in our food and that micro-plastic can cause humans many health problems, including cancer.

It takes up to



for a plastic bag to break down.

Recycle and reuse.

We could continue with a long list of problems generated by plastic. For all these reasons, our world is choking on plastic and we need to beat plastic pollution, recycle and slow down the need for new plastic.